Generate source code URI

Firstly, create an empty file which will store source code information:

touch recipes-debian/sources/<source_name>.inc

Enable debian-source in <your buildir>/conf/local.conf:


When bitbake run, class debian-source will generate information about version, source URI and checksum to .inc file.

NOTE: By default, debian-source will not rerun if file Sources.xz does not change. Force it regenerate by adding DEBIAN_SRC_FORCE_REGEN = "1" into conf/local.conf in the build directory.

Write recipe

Recipe in meta-debian is almost similar with recipe in meta, but there are some rules need to be concerned.

Recipe name

  • Recipe name PN should be same with recipe name in layer meta and has version suffix _debian:


Required resources

  • Always inherit debian-package and include sources/<source_name>.inc in recipe.

    inherit debian-package
    require recipes-debian/sources/<source_name>.inc

Reuse codes from meta

  • Recipe should include available .inc from meta if possible. File .inc should be included before inherit debian-package, so SRC_URI can be overridden. Ex:

    require recipes-devtools/binutils/
    inherit debian-package
  • Recipe also can reuse patches/local-files from meta if append FILESPATH. Ex:

    FILESPATH_append = ":${COREBASE}/meta/recipes-devtools/sample/sample"
    SRC_URI += "file://sample.patch"

    Note: Security fixes should be managed by Debian in source package, so don't reuse patches, which relate to CVE or security bugs, in meta-debian. It is better to wait for Debian maintainers apply patch into source code.

Configuration and packages split

  • This version of meta-debian aims to be compatible with Poky more than Debian, so recipe should configure and split packages same as Poky recipe to avoid conflict.